Secret Neighbor IOS/APK Download
Secret Neighbor – Free Download v1.2.0.8
Secret Neighbor Free Download, a multiplayer Social Horror Game set in the Hello Neighbor universe. A group of children attempt to enter the house of their scary neighbor. The game takes place between Acts 1 and 2. Six players enter the house trying to gain access to the basement door locked behind them, only to discover that one of them is the Neighbor.
Secret Neighbor Install-Game:
You can choose from a variety of classes as the Neighbor and do everything you can to stop intruders succeeding. You are initially disguised and must gain the trust of others to lure them away from the group. You have a variety of useful gadgets in your arsenal, including bear traps and a secret control area, smoke bombs, etc. Groups of people who can convince others that another person is the Neighbor are the best players in this game. It’s like the scene in “The Thing”, where characters are forced to test each other to see who is the traitor. Practice your roleplay skills. Surviving The Aftermath
Secret Neighbor Free Game:
A group of friends is searching for their friend missing. Everyone believes he is locked in the basement of the Neighbor. It is logical to break into the neighbor’s home and enter his basement. Intruders have different classes and abilities. Bagger will have more storage, Brave will give everyone a speed boost and the Detective will know where the keys are. These abilities allow players to search the house for basement keys and valuable loot that they can use to improve their skills and equipment.
Secret Neighbor IOS/APK Download