Age of Empires 1 PS5 Version Full Game Free Download
Age of Empires (aka Age of Empires I ) is a real-time strategy for personal computers , the first of the series namesake, released on the 26 of October of 1997 and staged in a timeline of 3,000 years, from the early Stone Age to the Iron Age. The player has a choice between twelve civilizations.
You can see various types of civilizations which depending on your choice will favor certain strategies, for the simple reason that each has special bonuses in the game, these are Greece, Minoan, Phoenician, Egyptian, Assyrian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, Hittite, Shang, Choson, Yamato.
The game has an expansion called ” The Rise of Rome ” with more civilizations, units, and technologies. Saved games in normal play (not expansion) may be loaded therefrom and also from the expansion. The items stored in the expansion can only be loaded from the expansion.
There is also a portable version of the game scheduled for the operating system Windows Mobile – Pocket PS5 – created by the company Ziosoft. Although this fits portable game graphics and the performance limitations that such devices present, the playability is equated to that of his older brother.
Age of Empires 1 PS5 Version Full Game Free Download