Arcane: Bridging the Rift Documentary Unveils League of Legends Secrets Arcane, the outstanding League of Legends animated TV show, gets an illuminating...
League of Legends will stop making new champions, and that’s okay. In a podcast, Matt “Riot Phroxzon”, Lead Designer, hinted that the...
New FFXIV 6.2.2 Teasers Show More Island Sanctuary and MSQ As the FFXIV 6.2 special site is updated with new screenshots and...
What were the ‘Endless Possibilities” for Eevee, if not a new evolution? Pokemon fans believed they would find out about a new...
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 leaks 16 maps to arrive at the launch Players patiently await more information about Call of...
GTA Online player offers a solution to the bothersome menace of business raids Making money in GTA online is always a topic...
Minecraft modder adds garlic bread shotguns to the game Minecraft players are best known for their non-edible creations. These could include a...
Dr. Disrespect is back in PUBG and immediately starts delivering 360 kills Midnight Society has just unveiled the first snapshot. Deadrop appears...
VLK Rogue nerf frustrates Warzone players The Warzone meta heavily features the Vanguard arsenal, but those who continue to get into the...
Skyrim modder curse on dragon priest masks Skyrim’s dragons may have been reduced to parodies, having been transformed into everything from Thomas...