Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game

Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game

Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game


Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game


Do you love games that are based on real-time strategies? Command and Conquer Rivals is a great online strategy game. People who enjoy playing PUBG will love this game.

Command and Conquer Rivals was officially released on the market by EA Redwood Studios on 14/12/2018. Multiplayer mode is available on both Android and iOS devices.

This game features one-to-one rivals, which makes it a great competitive game that teaches real-time strategies. The EA Play 2018 live demo of the game brought this game to prominence.


This game aims to create a base and gather all resources necessary to defeat the opposing forces. This game is a real-time strategy and requires players to be alert. It also helps in maintaining a high energy level.

The player selects the structure and constructs it in his construction yard. The player can then build another construction thing next to the one he has built in his construction yard after completing the building of his base. The player can also use mega-sized vehicles to build his base, which will help him fight against the opponent.

Command and conquer allows players to take advantage of online multiplayer options and skirmish matches, which allow them to play against AI.

The unique feature of this game is that each type of virtual structure can be used as a tech tree structure. The player can use power plant structures to gain the support they need to protect the structures from being destroyed by the enemy forces.


This game has a unique music system. This video game for mobile phones featured music that was nominated for the Media Awards of Hollywood Music. This is just amazing! You can enjoy vibrant, energetic music while you play the game. We will now discuss more of the game’s unique features.

  • The graphics can be switched in the game.

A player can switch the graphics mode while playing solo games instead of multiplayer. This is a great feature that allows players to switch between 4K graphics while playing solo games.

  • Bonus Points

There are many options for the bonus gallery in this game. Bonus points are a popular way to make a game more fun. Command and Conquer Rivals has a lot of music tracks. The player can also take photos and access B-roll footage that can be used for longer than four hours.

  • Music and Sound System

The game allows you to listen to music for up seven hours. Tibetan sons and Franklin Klepacki have re-recorded this game’s music. Music is an integral part of any game and keeps players engaged.

Jukebox allows you to adjust the sound and music system. This feature allows you to personalize the entire soundtrack by using playlist support.

  • Maps

Maps are a great way to win this game, as it involves rivalry. The map editor in this game allows the player to control the terrain. It is available both in original and steam versions. Command and Conquer Rivals maps are a necessity in real-time strategy games. This is an amazing feature that deserves to be mentioned.


How to download and install On Mobile


  1. Click the button below to download. You will be taken to the download page.
  2. To complete your download, choose a mirror. To use a torrent download, you’ll first need to download UTorrent.
  3. After downloading is done, extract the file with a program such as WinRAR.
  4. Start the game setup in the extracted folder. Then, install the game.
  5. After the installation is completed, you can launch the game by using the shortcut on your desktop.
  6. Enjoy the game!


Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game



Command and Conquer Rivals Full Version Mobile Game
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