Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen Expansion: Story, Gameplay, and New Content Coming Next Year
Destiny 2Over the years, it has grown and evolved with many seasonal updates and expansions. Players have found new features along the way. Destiny 2You’ve seen the universe evolve, received incredible loot, and taken part in many new activities. Bungie continues to listen to its community and improve the game, even though not all the changes or new content were well-received.Destiny 2.
Bungie now gives fans a first glimpse at Destiny 2’s The Witch Queen expansion. It is due to be released in the early part of next year. The Witch Queen, like Beyond Light, will bring a lot of new content to the looter shooter. It will also kick off a series that will continue to add new content and stories to Destiny2. Bungie has shown quite a lot of The Witch Queen. Here is all that we know about it.
The Witch Queen continues Destiny 2’s Narrative.
The Witch Queen is centered around Savathun. This Hive God Destiny 2 has been working towards for many years. Anyone Destiny2 player who is well-versed in the game’s rich lore will be able to predict the story’s direction. Already, it has been shown that Savathun is manipulating Osiris, the guardian, to make him lead the Last City astray. It seems that she may also be influencing other characters. Savathun also has the ability to control the light by herself, which allows her to create a ghost and imbue the Hive with it.
The Hive’s possession of the light is certainly a frightening prospect. It could have a wide-ranging impact on Destiny 2 as well as its narrative. Many people dismissed the possibility that Savathun could manipulate the Light by herself, although it was revealed before its official unveiling. Fans can’t be blamed for being intimidated when the Hive God stands 23 feet tall. The expansion story will continue the ongoing story of Destiny2‘s universe and will be incorporated into future expansions. Bungie has confirmed that The Final Shape will conclude Destiny 2’s 10-year-old storyline. It will be interesting to see how The Witch Queen builds up to the conclusion.
Destiny 2’s New Gameplay Systems Coming to The Witch Queen
Beyond Light brought about the biggest change: the introduction of Stasis, a subclass of players that uses the Darkness. Stasis was unique because it allowed players to tailor their abilities and benefits using an innovative system. This allowed them to unlock their abilities through a variety of activities and the expansion’s main questline.
Bungie has revealed that The Witch Queen will create a similar system but instead use it to revive the Light-based subclasses Destiny 2 players already know. This update will be the first for Void subclasses. Solar and Arc will follow suit in future seasons. This will be a major change for Destiny2. Bungie will need to balance it well, as Stasis had dominated the PvP meta for many months.
Weapon crafting is another major feature that will be introduced with The Witch Queen. Weapon crafting has been a long-awaited feature in Destiny 2, and its inclusion in The Witch Queen is sure to change the game forever. The system allows players to create their own weapons from the materials they find in the game. It also uses all the stats and perks they have already found, including the Glaive weapon type.
This allows players to create the exact god roll of weapons they desire instead of searching for the right weapon every season. The Destiny 2 transmog system was not well received by players. It is costly and restrictive. Weapon crafting will hopefully not suffer the same fate.
Destiny 2: New Content Coming to The Witch Queen
Destiny2‘s last year of content saw the return of the Vault of Glass raid. Bungie has stated that another raid will receive similar treatment in Year 5. These hints point to the remastered raid as either King’s Fall or Wrath of the Machine. However, it could also be a raid Destiny 2 players aren’t expecting. Bungie also stated that Destiny2 would get a new dungeon and raid every three months, including a new raid with The Witch Queen. It sounds like there will be more activities than ever before for players.
Bungie also plans to include a new six-player matchmade activity in The Witch Queen. Bungie says it will be at the core of the battle on Savathun’s Throne World. Although it is unclear what players will do throughout the activity, Bungie’s previous seasonal activities have been well-received. The developers hope to continue that streak with The Witch Queen’s new activity.
Guardians will have the option to choose a Legendary difficulty from The Witch Queen when they start activities or missions. This difficulty will be available from launch and will challenge the highest level Destiny 2 players. A new system will be introduced in the expansion to adjust mission difficulty according to how many players are seated together. This is so players can play the expansion at a challenging level, regardless of whether they are playing with friends or alone.