Holocaust survivors play Call of Duty WWII to raise awareness.
Holocaust survivors use Call of Duty: WWII as an avenue for raising awareness and raising funds.
The Holocaust stands out as one of history’s darkest chapters. During World War II, Nazi Germany and its collaborators committed mass genocide by murdering six million Jewish people located throughout Germany-controlled territory – this may account for two thirds of European Jewry being exterminated through this horrific act of genocide.
At this writing, World War II had ended nearly 80 years prior, so generations may no longer recall what took place during Babi Yar’s Nazi takeover in Russia.
Dexerto reported that Zikaron Basalon and McCann Tel Aviv have joined forces in an attempt to raise awareness among today’s generation, by hosting an awareness event known as Fighting to Remember. At this event five Israeli content creators who play Call of Duty WWII along with Holocaust survivors will recite related events during a charity event called Fighting to Remember.
Shimon Greenhouse described in vivid detail an unforgettable scene: they burst into the ghetto and led us out onto a square where they pointed at five individuals–my father among them. As we took five steps forward towards them from behind they murdered all five. My father fell on me causing bloodshed around his body stains me now.”
McCann Tel Aviv conducted a study which revealed that 76% of Israeli teens have never encountered a Holocaust survivor while 48% of Jews aged between 18 to 29 were unaware of Babi Yar events; so hopefully Fighting to Remember will serve its purpose well.
Fighting to Remember has plans in the works to bring survivors’ accounts of Holocaust experiences into classrooms for further educating of young people; additionally they have created an Amazon Prime Video documentary series entitled Fighting to Remember which can be streamed online for streaming by viewers worldwide.