Is Pokemon Tease a Regional Variant of Smeargle in Scarlet & Violet, or is it Pokemon Teasing?
The Pokemon Company holds an in-universe online marketing campaign that reveals information about its upcoming games. It looks like Pokemon Scarlet & Violet will be no different. It’s hoped it won’t be as long as the 24-hour live stream Game Freak used for Galarian Ponyta. However, fans speculate that the Pokemon Company may be pointing towards a Paldea regional version of Smeargle. This Pokemon debuted way back on the Game Boy Color in Pokemon Gold and Silver.
All the Pokemon social media shared images that look like paintings in a forest. Although they are inconsistent in colour, three have a circular design while the other has multiple colours that form rings around a tree trunk. Some fans believe this is a Paldean Smeargle because of the Johto Pokemon’s tail with a paintbrush at its end. Sketch’s signature move, which copies its opponent’s last move, has made it a formidable competitor in battle. It can also learn any action from all Pokemon games. It would be interesting to see if there was a regional version in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.
The art is also similar to the Oma Forest in northern Spain, which was discovered by fans. This is in keeping with Scarlet & Violet’sPaldea area being based in Spain. A Palden Smeargle might be responsible for creating a real-world landmark within the Pokémonworld.