People Playground Full Version Mobile Game
attle Royale

People Playground Full Version Mobile Game


People Playground Full Version Mobile Game

Ragdolls can be shot, stabbed, burned, poisoned, torn, vaporised, or crushed. This game is intended for those who like tossing around rag dolls but would rather something more intricate, fulfilling, and liberating. Each item has a set of characteristics that define how it interacts with the outside world.There are some pointy objects. Sharp weapons like swords or spears can be used to stab people and other soft objects.

Electricity is conducted by a variety of objects, some more effectively than others. Humans are also highly skilled at it. Certain objects gain a great deal of power when charged. Humans, plastic, rubber, and wood all burn quite well. Light them on fire and watch as it gradually becomes black. There are a variety of projectiles in the game.


Installation Instructions

  1. Click the green button below to be redirected to
  2. Wait 15 seconds, then click on the “free download” button. Allow the file transfer to complete (note that speeds may be slower with the free plan; upgrading to UploadHaven Pro will increase speeds).
  3. Once the transfer is complete, right-click the .zip file and select “Extract to People Playground” (To do this you must have 7-Zip, which you can get here).
  4. Open the folder that you just extracted and run the game as administrator.
  5. Enjoy the game! Ensure you run it as an administrator to avoid any issues. If you encounter any missing DLL errors, check the Redist or _CommonRedist folder and install all necessary programs.




People Playground Full Version Mobile Game
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