The Most Excited Scene in 'The Witcher,' TV Series is Filmed

The Most Excited Scene in ‘The Witcher,’ TV Series is Filmed


The Most Excited Scene in ‘The Witcher TV Series is Filmed

After a pandemic hiatus, Season 2 of Netflix’s The Witcher adaptation was released in the middle of last year. Since then, we have been spoilt by the animated Nightmare of the Wolf and news about the prequel series Blood Origin. Fans are still desperate for the 3rd mainline season, and with good reason.

The Netflix adaptation of Andrzej sapkowski’s novels has been slow for the first two seasons. But, the pace could pick up in the third season. Fans of the books and games will know that a pivotal moment is coming as we reach Thanedd, the magical island. Warning!

This is where the story will pick up, mainly because of the Thanedd coup. This is a scene of bloodshed that rivals Game of Thrones Red Wedding. It should be an incredible scene, but it also catalyzes something else. Villefort will be the series’ main antagonist due to the power vacuum created by the deaths of all these mages.


You’llYou’ll be a Witcher fan if you know this is where one of the greatest duels in the entire saga takes place. It is a famous fight between Geralt & Vilgefortz, which must have been thrilling, but also nerve-wracking for those who have read the books. Nervous because it has to be done correctly.

They can be sure it will be epic and accurate, judging by how things look. A photograph leaked from set to the fan page shows actors Mahesh Jadu (or potentially a stunt double) and Henry Cavil as Vilgefortz and Geralt, respectively, battling it out on location at Three Cliffs Bay, Wales. It appears that Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich has stayed true to the source material, as VilgefWe’reis using his staff and not the blades.

We’re excited about season 3, even though noWe’diler or release date has been revealed. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

The Most Excited Scene in ‘The Witcher,’ TV Series is Filmed
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