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Cadillac and Dinosaurs Mustafa iOS/APK Full Version Free Download
This is the game we used to play on joysticks-equipped token machines. Most commonly associated with Mustafa Token. This old gem is back with us. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs were released in Japan under Cadillacs Kyouryuu Shinseiki, an arcade game from Capcom. It was released in 1993.
It’s a side-scrolling beat ’em up based upon the comic book series Xenozoic Tales. It was created as a tie into the animated series Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, which aired the year before the game’s release.
Cadillac and Dinosaurs Mustafa Features
- Incredible action and fighting game.
- You can add a separate entry to your library.
- High-resolution textures.
- Amazing visuals.
- Arcade flyer featuring
- Mustapha Cairo and Jack Tenrec. Hannah Dundee, Jack Tenrec, and Mess O’Bradovich.
How to download and install On Mobile
- Click the button below to download. You will be taken to the download page.
- To complete your download, choose a mirror. To use a torrent download, you’ll first need to download UTorrent.
- After downloading is done, extract the file with a program such as WinRAR.
- Start the game setup in the extracted folder. Then, install the game.
- After the installation is completed, you can launch the game by using the shortcut on your desktop.
- Enjoy the game!
Cadillac and Dinosaurs Mustafa iOS/APK Full Version Free Download