CeX Game Pricing Shocks Gamers
Back when I was growing up, Tesco had an awesome video game section where you could pick up brand new Nintendo DS titles for PS30 each – it was simpler and happier times back then!
Things have significantly shifted since then. Naturally, new-gen games now cost more due to increased production costs (and inflation in general) – however certain retro titles such as those released for Nintendo DS now command exorbitant prices that rival new-gen ones in price; such games now count as retro. Sorry.
However, in comparison with the prices shared in this thread for either HeartGold or SoulSilver games that were sold, that cost seems minimal: Nova17Delta commented “A game store in my state once offered boxed copies of HeartGold with Pokewalker for only $400; comparable products like Japanese orange GameCube with matching GB Player were being offered as bundles with some games for that price,” Nova17Delta shared. Furthermore wildfire393 shared his experience selling SoulSilver back when they got it but never ended up opening it; eventually selling it back at another retro game store for $300,” wildfire393 wrote about his SoulSilver purchase from earlier in its boxed state since getting lost among their move when moving shortly afterwards so never got around opening it so its contents remain sealed so when sold it back he sold it was about 300 according to wildfire393!
HeartGold and SoulSilver are excellent reimaginationss of two classic second generation Pokemon games – Gold and Silver respectively. Since their releases, HeartGold and SoulSilver have proven immensely popular; if you own either version, be sure to safeguard it properly to extend its longevity! If you already own either title, be sure to do everything possible to safeguard it safely for later generations of playback!