Fortnite: How to Spoil the Mole's Sabotage Attempt

Fortnite: How to Spoil the Mole’s Sabotage Attempt

Fortnite: How to Spoil the Mole's Sabotage Attempt

Fortnite: How to Spoil the Mole’s Sabotage Attempt

The final batch of Fortnite season 7 Legendary Quests is here, and one final mission asks players to stop the mole from sabotaging his attempt.

Fortnite Legendary Quests only allows one player to complete each match. Players will need to complete at least four matches before they reach this stage. Although it seems easy, Corny Complex, the next Mothership abduction site, makes it difficult for players to find the countermeasure.

Corny Complex is the location for Week 14 Legendary Quest. You have two options: either find enough ammo and a decent weapon before you attempt to land at the marker, or wait until it is too late. There are many new weapon drops if players are looking for a chance to loot near the quest.


It is located east of Corny Complex. It attaches to the exterior of the previously underground IO Base. Now, it is floating under a green Barn. This is due to the Mothership’s ongoing abductions, and hopefully, it leaves the area in better shape than the recent Coral Castle changes.

Players should follow the marker’s location on the map to know when they are near the objective. Jumping up to the floating complex should not require much building material because there is an increase in jump distance when you are in the beam of Mothership.

You will find the countermeasure bomb to your left. Click the button to start the quest to stop the mole from sabotage. You will receive 30K XP.


Fortnite: How to Spoil the Mole’s Sabotage Attempt
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