GTA 4 Nintendo Switch Full Version Free Download
GTA 4 Gameplay
In 2008, the game is set. In GTA IV the player can choose the fate of characters in a number of situations for the first time. This does not affect the gameplay in any significant way. In the description below, you will find the most important details.
Nikolai Bellic, a Serbian-speaking Eastern European, is sent to Liberty City as a new immigrant at the request of Roman his cousin. Liberty City was modeled after the actual New York City.
Roman always told his cousins in e-mails that he’d come a long way and was wealthy and successful now.
Niko decided to move to America to seek a better future after he got in trouble in Europe. Roman is eager to share the American Dream with Niko. Niko also wants to find a man in Liberty City who betrayed his friends during the war.
Niko discovers quickly that Roman, the man who runs Liberty City with his girlfriend Mallorie is not wealthy and successful. Roman has a lot of debts and runs a taxi business with Mallorie.
In Hove Beach, an area populated mainly by Eastern Europeans, Roman lives with Niko in a tiny apartment. Niko’s first job after arriving is to take orders from Roman and “Vlad”, a Russian mafia-connected creditor.
During that time, Niko also met Michelle, his girlfriend, Little Jacob the Jamaican drug seller, and Brucie, a fitness fanatic who uses steroids. Vlad is blackmailing and threatening the cousins constantly. He also happens to be in a relationship with Mallorie.
GTA 4 Nintendo Switch Full Version Free Download