GTA Online players appear to be increasingly abandoning criminal pursuits for various legitimate occupations, proving an interesting trend for this multiplayer title.
While some are considering what GTA 6’s release could bring, GTA Online players are making sure that every moment counts while in Los Santos.
As Last Dose missions and numerous events remain to keep players occupied for some time to come, along with Rockstar’s impending price changes being released over time, there’s plenty to keep enterprising criminals engaged within Rockstar games regardless of any fanaticism for future price adjustments by Rockstar.
However, some hardened bank-robbers and contraband sellers seem discontent living their criminal lifestyle; an ongoing Reddit trend shows them proclaiming regular jobs they’ve taken up as characters in their fictional stories.
What do you make of the current trend that seems to have overtaken GTA Online players?
Recently, sudden career transitions have been making waves on GTA Online subreddit threads, suggesting that its protagonist may possess more diverse skillset than expected.
Understandable is why years spent engaging in daily gunfights throughout San Andreas may lead to better employment options like being an FIB agent or weapon vendor, like users TacBandit and Nananka have done.
Some career decisions taken are surprising for someone from an illegal background; user Either_Carry opted for attorney work instead and revealed: “Currently I am going to court to defend my first client who allegedly blew up cargo”.
User jairngo’s new role as a hotdog salesperson may not immediately result in injustice; nevertheless, his unexpected appointment is equally unexpected given that most GTA protagonists only possess experience cooking food by making sandwiches for sale on street corner carts.
Contrarians have also taken note, turning this meme in Los Santos into something entirely different; adding lifeguards, bus drivers, and tattoo artists all to a growing workforce in Los Santos as new lifeguards leave to join. DystopianNomad commented “With everyone leaving crime for work I have become the most powerful criminal enterprise here! Enjoy minimum wage!”
Assuming you’re thinking about exiting criminality for something more stable and secure like trading stocks on Wall Street or investing in real estate, be sure to follow us for regular updates about GTA 6 and GTA Online as new vehicles and amenities become available.