This is where you’ll find all the information about League of Legends Patch 12.10.
LoL, patch 12.10 is now available on live servers. This was after the two-week test period. Its patch notes reveal its release date along with new skins from High Noon, champion durability changes and many other details.
Riot Games releases regular updates for its MOBA. This is why Riot Games’ patch schedule is important to keep track of the date and time of the next update. LoL Patch 12.10 will be released on Wednesday, May 25th. This is the day that all changes made during testing went live on the servers.
League of Legends Patch 12.10
Players could test out five new skins on the PBE: High Noon Samira (1350RP), Hion Sion (1350RP), high Noon Tahm Kench (1350RP), high noon Twitch (1350RP), and high noon Viktor (1350RP).
LoL 12.10 maintenance is announced closer to launch. It usually takes around 3 hours to deploy patches across different regions. You can check our League of Legends server-status article to stay informed about any downtime due to patch deployments or other reasons.
Name and Twisted Fate will both be receiving VFX updates in this patch. The goals are to bring spell effects inline with the modern League standards and improve gameplay clarity.
League of Legends patch 12.10 brings with it the champion longevity changes that we discussed in May.
In an effort to allow players to respond to their opponents’ moves faster, champions will see their base health, armour and magic resist increased, as well as their health per level. These changes are intended to correct the current consensus that MOBA is causing too much damage to its matches.
League 12.10’s first item changes are also available, as seen by Surrender from 20. This brings nerfs for the Morellonomicon and Thornmail, among other things.
League of Legends patch 12.10 preview has now been released. This gives us a better view of the percentage changes to each champion’s health, armour, healing, shielding, and defence. The patch notes have the final list.
League 12.10 Champion Durability changes
Durability Base Statistics Package
- Base Health +70
- Health Growth +14
- Armour Growth +1.2
- Magic Resist Growth +0.8
- Thresh will be given an adjusted Durability Basis Stat Package (see details for champion)
Heals and Shields, Sustains, and Grievous Wounds
- Healing is reduced by 10% earlier in the game and by 28% later in the game (varies depending on the champion).
- Shielding was reduced by 10%
- Omnivamp reduced by 10%
- Reduced Healing for Grievous Wounds: 40% – 30%
- Reduced Enhanced Grievous Wounds 60% = 50%
League 12.10 Champion Balance changes
Aatrox – Nerfed
Umbral Dash E (E):
- The healing against champions was reduced to 18/20/22/24/26% of the damage done from 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
- Empowered healing against champions has been reduced to 25%/30/35/40/45% damage from 26/32/38/44/50%
World Ender, (R):
- Self-healing has declined to 25/40/55%, from 30/45/60%
Ahri – Nerfed
Theft of Essence (Passive):
- Heal upon full stacks of minions & beasts dropped to 35-95 at levels 1-18 (+20% AP), from 40-120 at levels 1-18 (+25% AP).
- The healing effect of champion takedowns has decreased to 75-165 (levels 1- 18) (+30% APO) from 80-200 (+35% APO)
Akshay – Nerfed
Passive Dirty Fighting
- Shield was reduced to 40-280 (levels 1-8) (+35% bonus AD), from 40-300 (+40% bonus AD).
Alistar – Nerfed
Triumphant Roar (Passive):
- Self-heal dropped to 23-142 (levels 1-18) from 25-161; note: Still doubled for allies
Annie – Nerfed
Molten Shield (E):
- The shield fell to 40/85/130/175/220 (+35% APR) from 40/90/140/190/240 (+40% APR)
Aphelion – Nerfed
Severum (Passive):
- The healing rate for basic attacks has been reduced to 2.5-9% (levels 1- 18) of the damage that was dealt from 3-10%.
- Healing for attacks by abilities was reduced to 8.3-30% (levels 1-8) of the damage done from 9-30%
- Overheal shielding unchanged
- R heal upon champion hit decreased from 275/400/525 to 250/350/450
Azir – Nerfed
Shifting Sands E (E):
- The shield fell to 70/110/150/190/230 (+60% APR) from 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% APR)
Bard – Nerfed
Caretaker’s Shrine (W).
- Minimum heal reduced to 25/50/75/100/125 (+30% APR) from 30/60/90/120/150 (+30% APR)
- Maximum heal decreased to 50/80/110/140/170/200 (+60% AP) from 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP)
Camille – Nerfed
Passive Adaptive Defenses:
- Reduced adaptive shield amount to 17% maximum from 20% maximum
Cassiopeia – Nerfed
Twin Fang (E):
- From 12/14/16/18/20%, healing against poisoned targets has been reduced to 10%/11.5/13/14.5/16% (still reduced by 75% for minions and small creatures)
Cho’Gath – Nerfed
Carnivore (Passive):
- Heal dropped to 18-52 (levels 1-8) from 20-71
Darius – Nerfed
Decimate Q:
- The healing of champions and large monsters was reduced to 13% of the enemy’s missing health per blade or up to 35% from 15%
Diana – Nerfed
Pale Cascade (W):
- The shield was reduced to 25/40/55/70/85 (+25%AP) (+9% Bonus Health) from 30/45/60/75/90 (+10% Bonus Health)
This list is not complete, as it still includes many other champions. You can review all the changes by clicking the link to the official patch notes.
League 12.10: Item Balance Changes
Blighting Jewel
- Magic Pen reduced to 13% from 15
- Life steal has fallen to 18%, from 20%
- From 50-350, Overheads Shield was reduced to 50-320 (levels 1-8)
Bramble Vest
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
Chipmunk Chainsword
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
- The number of enhanced grievous wounds has fallen to half the 60%
Chemtech Purifier
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
- The number of enhanced grievous wounds has fallen to half the 60%
Death’s Dance
- From 175%, Heal was reduced to a 150% bonus AD
Demonic Embrace
- Reduced burn damage to 1.8% (melee), 1.0% (ranged), maximum health starting at 2% (melee), 1.2% (ranged).
Divine Sunderer
- Heal dropped to % (melee), /3% (ranged), maximum health starting at 7.8% (melee), /3.6%(ranged).
Doran’s Ring
- Increased mana regeneration to 1 mana/second, increased from 0.75 mana/second to 1.5 for every 10 seconds and increased to 1.25
- From 50% to 45%, the value of health has declined to 45%
- Shield dropped to 160 (+35% AD), (still reduced by half for ranged champions), from 180 (+40% AD).
- Omnivamp reduced to 7% (8% for Ornn masterwork item, Syzygy), from 8%
Elixir Of Wrath
- Physical vamp has fallen to 12% to 15%
- Omnivamp has been reduced to 7%, from 8%
Executioner’s Calling
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
- Shield value has been increased to 100-180 (+4.5% of current mana), from 100-200 (+5%)
Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Shield has been reduced to 100 (+90% bonus Health) from 100 (+100% Bonus Health)
- Omnivamp reduced to 8% (5% = 10% Ornn Masterwork item Ceaseless Hunger)
- Heal dropped to 20% AD (+8% Missing Health) from 25% AD (+10% Missing Health)
- Omnivamp has been reduced to 7%, from 8%
Immortal Shieldbow
- Lifesteal has been reduced to 7% (8% = Ornn Masterwork item Bloodward)
- Shield dropped to 250-630 (levels 1-8) from 275-700
Knight’s Vow
- From 8%, self-heal was reduced to 7% by Worthy ally.
Last Whisper
- From 20%, armour dropped to 18%
Locket of Iron Solari
- Shield decreased to 180-330 (target’s level 1-18). (Same for Ornn Masterwork item and Reliquary of the Golden Dawn) From 200 – 356
Lord Dominik’s regards
- From 35, armour penetration fell to 30%
Maw of Malmortius
- Omnivamp reduced to 10% from 122%
Mikael’s blessing
- Heal dropped to 100-180 (levels 1-8) from 100-200 (levels 1-8)
Moonstone Renewer
- Starlit Grace has reduced to 60 from 70
- From 6%, heal and shield power were reduced to 5% per stack (still maximum 5 stacks)
- Mythic passive reduced to +8 heal Starlit Grace per Legendary Item owned (same as Ornn Masterwork items, Starcaster)
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
- The number of enhanced grievous wounds has fallen to half the 60%
Reminder for the Mortal
- From 40% to 30%, the number of grievous wounds has dropped to 30%
- The number of enhanced grievous wounds has fallen to half the 60%