PlayStation Plus recently unlocked many iconic FPS titles for free play.
Are You on the Lookout for something Fun to Play on PlayStation Plus? I have something exciting and entertaining in store! Just recently, PS Plus unlocked one of the finest FPS ever created by Sony Interactive Entertainment: Blackout FPS!
Please allow me to bring you up-to-speed on this month’s PlayStation Plus offerings: all subscribers can now grab Sackboy: A Big Adventure, Tails of Iron and day one release Meet Your Maker; those opting to download Sackboy also gain access to additional DLC from PlayStation Store; extra and premium subscribers were treated to 16 additional titles; Kena: Bridge of Spirits should definitely make an appearance; while here today we will focus on one of those sixteen: DOOM.
As reported by ComicBook, DOOM is featured as part of this month’s premium tier line-up and it should definitely be played. First released for PCs back in 1993, this legendary game remains one of the greatest and most important ever created – later making the jump over to PS in 1995! Play as Doomguy through waves of invading demons who must face down his way!
If you enjoyed DOOM and want more, PS Plus now features DOOM II, 64, 3 and Eternal for free this month – the latter of these titles being exclusive to extra tier subscribers.
Are you in search of something good and innocent to watch? Someone took an unusual route when modding Stray’s cat into DOOM while another player managed to make DOOM run on an actual tractor! No kidding; that really happened!