Red Rock Canyon becomes an absolutely breathtaking site with this Fallout New Vegas mod that transforms it.
With new mods constantly coming out for Fallout 4, adding weapons, quests and enemies into The Commonwealth – sometimes it can be refreshing to revisit Fallout New Vegas for some classic gameplay action!
Even while waiting for Starfield or Fallout London to finally launch, there is plenty to keep you occupied in the Mojave. From revised faction missions and alien invasions to fight off and vampiric powers to master, the Mojave offers plenty of entertainment!
Are You Fascinated by the Tough Tribal Aesthetic of Great Khans or trying to Convince Them To Join Your Team Against Hoover Dam? A new mod could be worth taking a closer look at.
Are you frustrated that Fallout New Vegas’ Red Rock Canyon fails to match up to the natural splendor of places such as Zion National Park?
Red On The Rocks is an incredible mod created by Diegonom, and features various faction-themed dwellings throughout Mojave as well as giving players an option of hosting parties after killing Benny at Benny’s place.
This time around, they decided to attempt making Papa Khan and his group more beautiful in New Vegas’ western valley where they now call home since fleeing Bitter Springs.
Diegonom says this mod’s description: “(It) offers such an exciting setting with towering red cliffs surrounding you (and) making you feel as if you’re in another world,” adding: “Until you realize the atrocious LODs at base camp and that (it mostly comprises red dirt with some boulders dotted here and there.”
Therefore, in part as part of their player home mod for this area, they’ve made various modifications to the canyon that include filling gaps in its rocky cliff faces so it will loom larger when players arrive, adding decorations, and switching up LODs that control how terrain loads in.
This mod also makes many precipices in the Great Khan gorge much easier to climb, giving you access to stunning panoramas while discovering possible supply caches.
Diegonom suggests taking steps before undertaking this endeavor in order to generate new LODs for your area, following this guide, so there won’t be any unexpected texture pop-in issues.
There’s also an “Extended Bare Bons Version of this mod for those using limited hardware; make sure that if performance concerns arise for yourself. Opt for that version.
Make sure to follow us for updates on exciting mods like this one for Skyrim and Cyberpunk 2077; don’t miss our Mods of the Month for March 2023 either!