Star Wars Battlefront 3 Update Breaks hearts
Since Star Wars: Battlefront III’s cancellation is so long ago, most fans of its original series may have grown disenchanted with it. Although disappointing that it never released, life happens.
Unfortunately, as Game Rant reported, lead designer at Naughty Dog and level designer at Free Radical Design during Star Wars Battlefront III’s development (for both single-player and multiplayer modes) Michael Barclay revealed just how close we came to getting an outstanding game; so close that it hurts.
Barclay shared her feelings on this issue via Twitter thread for game devs to discuss games “that got away”. In response to one such thread involving Star Wars Battlefront III being cancelled just two yards before completion was an absolute crime; gamers don’t realize what they have missed out on.”
As is to be expected, fans of Battlefront II are disappointed at what we lost: @lodaligae lamented his heartbreak at its cancellation: “[BFII was an] outstanding game that didn’t receive its due credit”, while @vaulthunter426 wrote it off as something saddening him personally:
Since that time, Star Wars: Battlefront series was given an updated reboot – Star Wars Battlefront II was released as part of this process in 2017. Could that mean Battlefront III could eventually make an appearance? We can only hope so!