Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download
APK Games

Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download

Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download

Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download


Superliminal It is a first-person puzzle game, which starts with the player falling asleep during the night, with the television turned on.

In a dream, the protagonist remembers when they saw a commercial on the dream-like program of Dr. Glenn Pierce. As soon as you can see it becomes apparent you’re not actually within the world of reality. This is the moment that the program of experimentation that combines real-life dreams into dreams will start.

The game’s tasks all rely on forced perspective and optical illusions. Every puzzle in the game provides the player with a feeling of being awed. Rethink your thinking to think differently, look outside the boundaries, alter your perspective, and finally awake from your nightmares.

This is a bizarre world with its unique history as well as several strange and supernatural things. However, at the same time, it is a beautiful place where the challenges are sure to test your understanding of the surroundings. The majority of missions involve exploring several rooms, each with its own tasks.


To reach the exit point, players have to engage with certain items in the space. You can take a cube that expands or shrinks according to the distance from which the player is from the exit. The harder levels, that you be able to complete after completing the first tasks introduce new gameplay mechanics to the game. The objects you encounter will take the form of illusions using 2-D artwork on floors, ceilings, or walls. Try solving unique puzzles to escape from the trance.



Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download




Superliminal Mobile Full Version Download
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