The Becoming Canon Character Pairing is a Fan Favorite Destiny 2 Favorite
Destiny2 has had many character-defining moments in the past few years. Crow’s growth and his role as a city defender; Saladin’s willingness to accept responsibility and join Caiatl’s war council; Ghost’s speech to Savathun about “this far and nothing further” at the end of Witch King. Season of Plunder’s canonization of one of Destiny2’s most memorable character pairings is the best. More than Zavala, Caiatl and Saint-14. In shipping terms, I am referring to Drifter and Eris — Drifters.
Since Season of Arrivals, destiny 2players enjoy Eris Morn’s and the Drifter’s banter. They worked together to understand Stasis Beyond Light and were likely to form a “Dark Vanguard” with Elsie Bray. However, that never happened. Since then, we have seen snippets of their interactions as they are among the most respected experts on Darkness. Drifter refers to Eris as “Moondust,” while she refers to him as “Rat.” There were memes and jokes about the Guardian’s strange aunt and uncle. This contrasted with Zavala and Ikora’s parental role. Drifters allow you to do more. You can stay with Drifter or Eris and eat Count Chocula as breakfast, play violent computer games, and delve into ancient Hive magical.
Season of the Haunted didn’t feature Drifter in any significant role, but we were able to see a Savathun’sre a where he made soup for Eris at Savathun’s ThroneWorld. At the end of the season, Eris sent Drifter a message. She told him about her past and said she found peace helping others heal. She adds that she might b” able to desire more t” and peace. Or joy. “May I find that again?” This, for me, cemented my Drifteris relationship. Season of Plunder, however, has taken it a step further.
Drifter gives Eris the Darkness the rweek’sthat we have so far collected in this week’s post mission radio “conversation as a gif”. In chapter three of “Between Stolen Stars”, we learn more about their meeting. Eris questions Drifter about his motives for helping the Guardian, the Eliksni and is surprised to find that he was evasive. He finally admits that House Light needs a win. Drifter offers Eris the Darkness Relics again, and Eris asks him if he believes “s her. He “replies with a simple statement: “Who would?” She tells him to be quiet while he explains the potential utility of the relics. Good, God!
Why is Drifteris so captivating? Drifter and Eris have deep wounds that have seen them through the worst of the Destiny universe. Eris was part of the doomed fire team trying to eliminate Crota. She saw her closest friends die and had her Light taken away. Drifter was born during the Dark Ages and witnessed firsthand the worst cruelty humans could inflict upon one another. They are the only characters who truly understand what they have been through and have developed strong defences against being too close to others. They are a natural match, and shippers love two wounded people trusting each other.