What’s Up With Xur’s Armor Drops in Destiny 2?
Every week, Xur appears at a different Destiny 2 location to sell players exotic items and old Legendary gear. Generally, his armor rolls out to be of reasonable quality; however, recently it appears that all of his armor has been low-stat trash.
This week, Xur is on Nessus selling the Cabal-themed armor set from Season of the Risen, released alongside the Witch Queen expansion. Unfortunately, none of his pieces boast higher stat totals than 54 on Titan chest armor – some even fall below 40s which is lower than most random armor found in world drops.
What then, is the purpose of Xur selling old armor at all? Could it simply be a means for players to acquire old armor they missed out on for transmog purposes? If that’s the case, it seems like an awkward solution; but then again, Destiny 2’s entire transmog system is rather cumbersome and awkward in general.
But if Xur’s armor in Destiny 2 is supposed to serve any purpose other than cosmetics, something is seriously amiss. His pieces don’t necessarily need stat totals in the high or even mid-60s, but seeing pieces with stat totals in the 40s is downright embarrassing. Come on, Xur! Or more accurately: come on Bungie, show some respect for Xur!
Destiny 2’s armor system presents an additional issue. Players seeking high-stat armor must research where to obtain it through completing dungeons – especially Master versions which award Artificer armor – as well as seasonal events like Solstice. Beyond those opportunities, players are left without a clear path unless they want to spend some time researching on their own.
Still, Xur has an intriguing Interference VI this weekend that offers Spike Grenades, Clown Cartridge and Full Court — a truly god roll! Heavy grenade launchers may not be exactly DPS meta right now, but if you’re new to the game or don’t have access to better rolls then that should still be your go-to pick.