A ‘Minecraft” Player Spends 2500 hours Walking Across The Map. It Doesn’t End Well
It has been a difficult few months for Minecraft players. Mojang announced its plans to monitor private servers in July. This prompted many to launch a “Save Minecraft” campaign. The moderation policy has not gone down well, but it hasn’t stopped fans from enjoying the game. One user is currently on course for the most bizarre way, and another fan has shared their story after spending 2,500 hours walking around the map.
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Twitch streamer started their journey to the end of Minecraft’s maps on 31 January 2021. The streamer was spotted by Twitter’s Jake Lucky and has since walked over 32 million blocks in 2,500 hours of playtime.
After 20 months of walking, a mystical little person has finally completed their journey. This seems like an apparent cause to celebrate, but it is not, my friends. As the streamer was about to take his last step, Mysticalmidget’s chat exploded. Then, everything went sour.
Mysticalmidget made his last step, only to find himself in an endless loop of falling blocks. As the map’s textures failed to load, the blocks gave way. The streamer’s character made a record number of ‘roofs’ to remind him of how terrible things had been. Eventually, the mystical little person was given a game over the screen. It wasn’t enjoyable. The pain is beyond my comprehension. The streamer quickly fled his chair, and I can’t blame him. It was a valiant effort, however.