Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is The Perfect Musou Introduction
By this point, “Musou” could also refer to “Marmite”. Musou games are not for everyone, whether it’s because of their repetitive nature of the sheer number of them that have been released since Lu Bu started to stomp his way across China. Even those who haven’t been musou-lovers might still find something to enjoy in Fire Emblem Warriors 3: Three Hopes. This is due to the fact that it feels more than just a spin-off from one of Nintendo’s most popular IPs.
Three Hopes is a Fire Emblem-based game that allows you to manage scores of men in the air. Three Hopes feels more like a sequel than a side distraction. It is remarkable how Three Hopes feels so much like Three Houses. The depth and attention to detail are a pleasant surprise. Three Hopes offers more control than Three Houses and is a great choice for anyone who wants to be more involved.
Three Hopes is not content with rewriting the story of Three Houses into a new adventure. Instead, it explores a fascinating angle that should be explored by more games. Three Houses’ character Byleth is now the “bad guy” of Three Hopes. You play as a mercenary who seeks revenge on them. Three Hopes, which is more direct than Three Houses, throws you into war almost instantly when you choose one of the three houses. Each house has its own storylines and characters.
These conversations are still just as captivating here as ever. Three Hopes has a surprising amount of dialogue to unlock, relationships that can be cultivated, and edgelords you can meet. Three Hopes has a lot of things to do. New features are constantly being added to your camp. This allows you to unlock new abilities and upgrade your characters so that you can defeat saps on the battlefields.