Following Mario Bros’ unprecedented success, developer of Crash Bandicoot movie teases it.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie has only been out for less than three weeks and already proven itself incredibly successful.
Super Mario Bros. Movie has already set an excellent opening weekend record at the box office and looks poised to surpass that figure shortly, leaving any concerns fans had regarding Chris Pratt voicing Mario gone and unabated.
Take a look below at our interview with Anya Taylor-Joy of The Super Mario Bros. Movie fame about her role voicing Princess Peach!
Given how successful The Lego Movie has been, its success may encourage other game publishers and developers to attempt similar animated movie adaptations of their titles – provided they follow its lead faithfully – such as Crash Bandicoot. According to Dexerto reports, one franchise that could soon make the transition is Crash Bandicoot!
Crash Bandicoot’s developers Toys for Bob posted on Twitter that now was the time for Crash to make his theatrical debut! What do you say, Sony Pictures Animation?
Although this tweet’s replies don’t provide concrete proof that Crash Bandicoot will actually become the subject of his own movie, fans would certainly welcome one: @greenth1ng_Art wrote, “Crash is LONG overdue for his own movie/cartoon series!” followed by, @JoshuaSoffical responded “I would LOVE an animated Crash Bandicoot movie from Sony Pictures Animation! Make it happen!” and finally @Jaiku2099 tweeted out, “WE NEED A Crash Bandicoot MOVIE.”
Given how beloved Crash’s franchise is, it’s somewhat surprising it hasn’t seen its own movie yet. Whether Toys for Bob was simply testing interest levels or actually hinting towards an announcement remains to be seen; let’s hope so!