GTA 6 750GB size file and over 400 hours of gaming revealed by leaker
While we do not know the date the game will launch in the near future, Grand Theft Auto VI is definitely one of the most awaited games of recent times.
Fast approaching two years after Rockstar Games announced that they were developing GTA VI in February 2022. The announcement, which was made too early, was condemned by gamers for damage control with regard to the notorious leaks of gameplay. Leaks were discovered which Rockstar Games was forced to react to.
To this day aside from announcing GTA VI is still developing, Rockstar Games has officially never provided the fans with anything to chew over this is the reason we’ve been reliant on an ongoing flurry of speculation and rumours.
There are rumors the possibility that GTA VI will bring us back to the famous Miami-inspired city in Vice City, as in some areas of South America, not to add that it is expected to include two protagonists playable called Jason as well as Lucia that are influenced by the famous crime duos like Bonnie as well as Clyde.
The latest report may be the most significant yet, and could be an alarm to those having trouble with their precious console storage space. In a post on “GTA 6 News”, a GTA leaker says that the sixth installment in the cult series is going to require a staggering storage capacity of 750GB, and approximately 400 hours of gaming.
We have no problem with a 400-hour period of gaming, so long as it keeps gamers engaged and entertained throughout however, a file with a 750GB size? Really? If this is the case they will create an enormous problem for PC as well as console gamers.
As an example, even though the PlayStation 5 is claimed to have 825GB of SSD inside the hard drive, only the 158GB allocated to system files. This leaves just 667.GB for the user to utilize. Evidently, the speculated GTA VI files’ size is greater than that amount by more than 80GB. In the case of Xbox Series X (and the Series S Carbon Black model) it’s a slightly more favorable. This Series X has an internal hard drive that is 1TB SSD that has 198GB set aside for system data, and 802GB available for the user. However, this doesn’t make any room to add more after the launch of GTA VI..
However, for the regular Series S (white model) there’s no chance If the rumours are real and assuming GTA VI willeven made available for this small console that has a 500GB SSD hard drive. The only solution to the storage problem could be to purchase an additional SSD internal storage for the PS5 or SSD expansion cards to this model of the Xbox Series X S.
All that said like any other unsubstantiated reports and theories it is best to treat them with a grain of salt until they are proven to be true. Sure, GTA VI would not require the storage of 750GB, would it? It is our hope that this will not happen.
In a related development, Rockstar Games’ parent company Take-Two Interactive has suggested that GTA VI is expected to be launched in 2025 The game has been stated by some sources that GTA VIwill be the sole game by the company that developed this game.
It is likely that Grand Theft Auto VI will be available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.