Xbox Series X serious design defect is not fixable by yourself, a tech expert warns
A well-known tech YouTuber has been advising Xbox Series X owners of a design flaw in the series which effectively renders the console unusable to fix by itself.
Though not as well-known like PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 5, the Xbox Series X is a great performer in 2023. The Xbox Series X is not only an excellent device in terms of its pure performance, but also the addition of Xbox Game Pass as well as day-one access to games such as Starfield and Starfieldmake the Xbox X a fantastic hardware piece.
Unfortunately, the tech YouTuber The Coder warns Xbox Series X owners about an issue that is quite serious within this console’s SSD design.
In case you may not know of it, SSDs are the storage devices that SSD is a storage device that stores all the data needed by the console, which allows the most powerful games to be played within the console. It’s one feature which differentiates this generation of PS5 as well as the Xbox Series X apart from earlier generations, and it’s the reason why the consoles can launch games in just a couple of minutes.
Of course, an SSD is incredibly crucial – however, as regards it’s the Xbox Series X is concerned it’s SSD
It was designed so that makes it difficult to repair on your own if the device fails. It’s true that most people wouldn’t start to try fixing an SSD by ourselves however it’s important to know.
The problem that first comes up, as the YouTuber clarifies the issue is that it’s a tiny key in the hardware that holds data which isn’t accessible through standard ways. If it can be read, the information is protected. Additionally it will only operate with its initial SSD and, therefore, replacing it with an entirely new one won’t be a success. In the event that you played with the SSD enough, you could ruin your console since that’s because the Xbox Series X relies on its SSD in order to work at all.
The problems with self-repairing shouldn’t be thought of as a final option, possibly not at all. It is best sending any defective consoles away for repair or replacement to Microsoft to be repaired or replacement. This can only be done if it’s in the manufacturer’s warranty. This isn’t the best solution, but it’s the way it is.