Teamfight Tactics’ Update 12.13 will be available on live servers this week. Its patch notes reveal its release day along with changes to Aurelion Sol, Shyvana, Yasuo and many other details.
TFT patch 12.13 will be released on July 13. This is the same date as its League of Legends counterpart.
Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.13
Server downtime is usually required before new patches can be released. This allows for all moving parts to function correctly. Check out League of Legends status to keep track of the time servers are offline for maintenance.
You’ll find below all the changes TFT 12.13 will bring to the auto-battle when it goes live. The developer shared this information.
TFT 12.13 System Changes
- Stages 2-1, 2 and 3 (Augment Rounds), were reduced by 10 seconds.
- Stage 4-7 (Treasure Dragon), shortened by 10 seconds.
- Stage 5-1 (After Treasure Dragon), shortened by 10 seconds.
- The damage to players in Stage 8 has been raised from 150 in Standard and Double up to 150 in Double Up.
TFT 12.13 Larger Changes
- Assassin Critical Strike Damage 15/30/50% >>>10/20/40%
- Astral: Players must have Astral units to receive Astral Shops or other orbs. You can track your progress towards Astral Shops by using the new Refresh button. It also shows the quality of your Astral Orbs.
- Astral Ability Power: 5/30/70 >>>10/40/80
- Mirage Dawnbringer’s Determination max health heal percentage: 40/70/70 (heals twice),/125 (heals twice), >>> 40/65/65 (heals twice),/110(heals two)
- Raging Attack Speed 50/125/225 >>>50/135/250%
- Raging Omnivamp: 30/50/70% >>> 25/50/75%
- Revel Firework Damage: 140/170/225/300 >>> 130/160/210/280
- Crown of Champions Health, Shimmerscale: 200 >>> 100
- Shimmerscale item, Determined investor Health: 300 >>> 150
- Shimmerscale item, Diamond Hands Health: 300 >>> 200
- Shimmerscale item, Draven’s Axe base Attack Speed & Damage: 20 >>> 10
- Shimmerscale item, Gambler’s Blade base Attack Power & Speed: 20 >>> 30
- Shimmerscale item, Goldmancer Staff Base Ability Power: 20 >>>30
- Shimmerscale item, Needlessly Big Gem Health: 300 >>> 500
- Shimmerscale item, Mogul’s mail stack cap: 30 >>>40
- Shimmerscale item, Mogul’s Mail Armor & Magic Resist per stack : 1.5 >>> 1
- Shimmerscale item, Mogul’s Mail Health per stack: 15 >>> 5.
- Trainer Nomsy Base Health: 500 >>> 400
- Trainer Nomsy fireball damage: 100/125/150/175 >>>100/130/160/200
- Trainer Nomsy’s Fireball causes 50% less healing to burned enemies for the duration (8 seconds).
- Warrior increased damage on enhanced attack: 120/200/350% >>>120/220/420%
Units: Tier 2
- Lillia, Watch Out! center bonus Damage: 150/225/350 >>> 250/350
- Nami Mana: 50/90 >>> 25/75
Units: Tier 3
- Volibear Relentless Storm number 3/5 >>> 4/4/4
- Volibear Relentless storm damage per enemy: 160/175/190 >>> 110/155/215
- Volibear Relentless storm total damage: 480/700/950 >>>440/620/860
Units: Tier 4
- Daeja Windblast Wave Damage: 225/350/1500 >>> 250/375/1800
- Daeja Windblast passive magic damage: 30/45/200 >>>25/40/150
- Hecarim max Mana buff: 75/120 >>> 60/105
Units: Tier 5
- Aurelion Sol REWORKED. Aurelion Sol now summons a black hole beneath a random enemy. It explodes after 2 seconds, dealing magical damage to all enemies within the area. This also increases their damage by 20% for 10 seconds. Black holes created after 20 seconds of combat deal 50% more damage and are more prominent.
- Aurelion Sol Mana: 40/90
- Aurelion Sol Black Hole Damage: 325/450/5000
- Aurelion Sol at 3 Stars creates a large cosmically-large black hole
- Pyke Health: 800 >>> 900
- Shyvana Mana buff: 45/75 >>> 30/60
- Shyvana Armor and Magic Resist: 60 >>> 55
- Shyvana Flame Breath max Health per cent burn Damage: 45/60/300% >>> 50/66/500%
- Soraka Starfall Heal per star: 100/150/1000 >>> 120/180/1000
- Zoe Mana buff: 60/120 >>> 50/100
- Ornn Item, Infinity Force removed 30% of Crit Chance
- Ornn Item, Muramana Mana granted following cast: 150 over four sec >>> 200 über fünf sec
- Ornn Item, Obsidian Cleaver Attack Damage: 30 >>> 20
- Ornn Item, Rocket Propelled Fist Health: 500 >>> 400
- Blue Battery now sets the Mana of units to 20 after casting instead of granting 20 Mana.
- If your bench is full, you can get Cluttered MindXP: 3 >>>4
- Hallucinate damage reduction buff duration: 5 >>> 6 seconds
- March of Progress XP for each round: 4 >>> 5.
- Ricochet (Cannoneer) will now prefer to bounce towards distant targets than near targets.
TFT 12.13 Small Changes
- Guild NEW: A new 7 Guild trait has been added: 250% Guild Bonus
- Evoker Mana 3/6/10 >>>3/7/12
Units: Tier 1
- Vladimir Mana buff: 0/70 >>> 20/70
Units: Tier Braum’s‘s tooltip now indicates that he will raise his shield towards the largest enemy group.
Units: Tier 4
- Neeko Inherent Glory Shield: 275/400/1200 >>> 277/400/2000
Units: Tier 5
- Bard Tempered Fate Shock Duration: 1.5/2/15 >>> 1.25/2/15
- Yasuo Attack Damage: 90 >>> 85
- Yasuo will now be able to reliably execute any enemy alive, regardless of their substantial Health pools
ItemArchangel’s’s Staff and (RadianUrf-Archangel’s’s Staff) now have stack counterGuinsoo’s’s Rageblade (RadianGuinsoo’s’s Reckoning) now have stack counterZz’Rotot Portal works better with and against Assassins
- Combat Training Starting Attack Damage: 5 >>> 8
- Double Trouble grants you a 2-star copy for units that you have 3-starred before acquiring the Augment.
- Living Forge cannot grant Ornn Artifacts it has already granted to you.
- Makeshift Armor III Armor and Magic Resist: 60 >>> 65