The tempest is upon us! Here is a 20-minute gameplay video demo featuring base building, resource collecting and more!
Publisher THQ Nordic and developer Slipgate Ironworks today unveiled a gameplay video for their upcoming real-time strategy game Tempest Rising, featuring more of the game’s combat, base building, and resource collecting elements.
Framed as a 1-on-1 multiplayer match between 3D Realms & Slipgate Ironworks CEO Frederik Schreiber, controlling the Global Defence Forces, and Lead Game Designer Brandon Casteel playing as Tempest Dynasty, this gameplay video serves to highlight some of the subtler distinctions between factions.
Tempest Rising Gameplay Video
Tempest Rising offers players the unique option of starting with a small number of units during multiplayer matches, enabling early scouting missions.
Harvesting Tempest, the precious resource the three factions are competing over, leaves behind vines that eventually produce fruit of their own when in proximity to their living pod.
Left unharvest, Tempest becomes more valuable as its pods mature with age, increasing in value when harvested.
Tempest Rising’s gameplay video offers us a glimpse at each faction’s unit rosters, which feature various types of infantry as well as unique armor like the long-range Hunter tank for GDF or Tempest Dynasty’s flame tank.
Base building in Command and Conquer is very similar, as you can construct gates, walls, and defensive turrets to safeguard structures as well as valuable harvesters.
Later in Tempest Rising’s gameplay video, GDF infantry, armor and artillery come together in a coordinated assault on a Tempest Dynasty base.
What has been demonstrated so far looks promising and Tempest Rising does seem to successfully capture the classic RTS atmosphere it strives for.