What Happened to Old Chicago in Destiny 2?
Fanbyte recalls Old Chicago as being featured as part of Destiny 2, much to its surprise and disappointment. Long before its initial release, fans had anticipated this ancient city would feature in Destiny as one of its many locations; originally imagined as being an overgrown metropolis that housed labs during its Golden Age setting. Alas, nothing came of that promise in either game although some initially assumed its presence would lead to expansion like Witch Queen taking place there but Old Chicago has made referenced in Destiny lore nonetheless.
Think back to when Season of the Hunt first debuted shortly after Beyond Light expansion: most of its narrative focused around Xivu Arath and Crow, yet seasonal armor contained multiple Guardian stories about time spent in Old Chicago (this was back when seasonal armor had different pieces for each class), so all Guardian experiences are covered over multiple pieces; it mostly covered Tangled Shore while bits about Old Chicago only appeared as quotes or in quotes fields.
Shayura, Reed-7 and Aisha are members of the Trials fireteam who explored Old Chicago during Ghaul’s Red War attack; when Ghaul arrived they were exploring its remnants when Guardians became lightless as an unknown creature attacked from below – only Shayura managed to flee their fateful encounter alive! Whatever creature it was took out many Guardians before leaving them behind alone against whatever it could bring next; only members of Shayura Reed-7 Aisha managed to escape alive!
No details exist as to who or what lay beneath Old Chicago in Destiny 2, although its last mention in Destiny 2 occurred during Season of the Chosen’s Pyrrhic Ascent gear in Season of the Chosen immediately following Season of the Hunt; here, Fireteam K’s experiences of terror and isolation in Chicago may have set in motion Shayura’s descent into madness that later unfolded through Trials gear lore across subsequent seasons.
Old Chicago may make its return in Destiny 2 some day; at present it seems unlikely. Given Old Chicago’s description as an overgrown swamp city, its inclusion is unlikely given that Savathun’s Throne World already fits that profile and Bungie does not typically duplicate biomes – even it Old Chicago might have been converted to it at one time! Additionally, we already have enough Earth-based locations; adding another may not be high on Bungie’s priority list.
Truth be told, it can be nice having locations such as Old Chicago in Destiny 2 that are only vaguely hinted at; hearing about places players can’t physically visit can add mystery and expand upon an already expansive game world – something Old Chicago seems to do beautifully in Destiny 2.